To the crazy, whacky world of...
THAT girl infinity...

Friday, June 29, 2012


Hello there, my name is Syren Sorbet. I've been a resident of Second Life sense October of 2008. I've been quitely reading the life and style blogs that saturate Second Life for the last few years. I suppose one could say that I have decided to further saturate the already well covered market that is life and style in Second Life.

I can only hope that these letters to no one will give a some what unique look at what style is on a personal level. I roam the grid looking for interesting builds, people and yes even moments. I am supprisingly very shy but not to shy to say hello to someone. Currently most of my time in Second Life is spent making new friends and partaking in new adventures!

I am also the Store Manager of The Avici Company, a would be "untrained" model, a photographer of sort's, and probably most importently a random button pusher and pose tryer outer. Is that even a real phrase? Well I suppose it is now in the world of that crazy girl infinity.

I own an island that I spend much of time on, usually fishing or buzzing around shooting at random objects in my Warbug Plane. I would get further into what I enjoy doing on the island but Im afraid it would sound like a bad personal ad that can be found in a trashy newspaper. Think walking on the beach and horse back riding. Both fun but horriably cliche' at the same time.

The only thing I can say with any shadow of certanity is that you can expect a fishbowl glance into the world of fashion as it means to me. I won't be covering major event's as there are countless blogs that do only that. Letter's to No One will be very personal and follow trends that mean something to me. I can also say that this will all be done with humor and love for fashion in all it's whacky wonderful forms.


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